In this new musical comedy by Hilary Brooks and Clive King, an idealistic young musical teacher escapes the dreich, drabness of 80’s Glasgow in search of an idyllic life on a Scottish Hebridean Island. Her expectations are quickly challenged however when she runs into the unmoving fundamentalism of the Island’s religious community.
Originally commissioned by A Play, A Pie and a Pint, this new musical has subsequently been developed into a full length piece with the support of Creative Scotland, and now has the title ‘That Sunday Feeling’. It was given a very successful workshop tryout at the Tron Theatre, Glasgow in front of industry professionals and is currently in search of a producer.
A full recording of the original one hour version of ‘Wee Free – the Musical” and the workshop recording of the devel0ped show, ‘That Sunday Feeling’, are available on request.
‘Wee Free’ Cast: Neshla Caplan, Pauline Knowles, Chris Forbes, George Drennan and Douglas Lawrence on fiddle.
‘That Sunday Feeling’ Workshop Cast: Neshla Kaplan, Gail Watson, Danielle Jam, Chris Forbes, George Drennan
Band: Hilary Brooks (Keyboards), Douglas Lawrence (Fiddle), Malcolm McFarlane (Guitar)
Director: Ken Alexander
Musical Director: Hilary Brooks
Designer: Annette Gillies
“Delightful performances… fine songs of love and disappointment… has the audience rolling in the aisles.” **** The Scotsman
“A rare and scintillating treat… funny and cannily observant.” **** Mumble Musicals
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